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Aldeburgh Primary School


Admission to Aldeburgh Primary School

Starting school for the first time:

Any children who are starting school for the very first time (children who will be 5 on their next birthday and are not yet in school) will be allocated a place by the local authority taking into account parental choice as much as possible - again please contact the school for more information.



'In year' moves:

From 1st September 2015, all Academies have to manage their own in year admissions.
Any parent wishing to make an application for a place at our academy (Aldeburgh Primary School) or any academy within the Trust can telephone the school office and we will supply the relevant forms or alternatively access them at the bottom of this page. All in year applications must now be made directly to the school and parents will be notified of the outcome directly from the school. We welcome visits to the school for prospective new parents and children. Please contact Mrs Everett-Spearing via the school office to arrange a time with the Headteacher.


Our current PAN (pupil admission number) is 15 per year group. 

Parents of prospective pupils are welcome to visit the school. To make an appointment please speak to a member of the school office Tel 01728 452150. Mrs Everett-Spearing is the first point of contact for all your enquires. Office hours are:

8.30 am - 12.00 and 1.00 - 3.30 pm Monday to Friday


All new parents will be invited to meet the Headteacher during the half-term before the child starts school.


In Year Application Form 23-24
