Welcome to your Aldeburgh Primary PTFA!
Together we can help make your child’s experience at Aldeburgh Primary even more brilliant!
What is the Aldeburgh Primary School Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA)?
The PTFA is an open and friendly group of parents, teachers, extended family and members of the local community, working towards a common goal; supporting the education of your child(ren) at Aldeburgh Primary and strengthening the school community.
What does the PTFA do?
In previous years the PTFA has organised or supported many school events including Halloween Disco, Santa’s Grotto, Mother’s Day Tea, Easter Egg Hunt and Sports Day to name a few!
The PTFA also funds events like the school cinema trip, contributes to transport for school trips and visits, funds much needed classroom equipment and resources, Year 6 leavers gifts (including Hoodies, year books and fish and chips) and much more!
How can I help?
Everyone’s invited - did you know, as a parent of a child(ren) attending our school, you are automatically a member of the PTFA!
The PTFA is always in need of your ideas, unique and diverse skills and contacts, but most of all your enthusiasm and willingness to get involved.
Any time or support you can offer will always be welcomed, whether as a one off or regular involvement.
If you have ideas to share or want to know more about the group please join us at the next meeting (see the latest school newsletter) or email us at
The PTFA Committee
If you want to make a difference or get involved in running the association why not consider joining our committee?
Our current committee, as of September 2023, is Amy Wright (Chair), Hannah Everett-Spearing (Secretary) and Jo Hurren (Treasurer).
Find us in the playground or email
For all the latest news, upcoming events and meetings please see the latest Aldeburgh Primary newsletter.