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Aldeburgh Primary School

Foxes (Year 3 and Year 4)

Welcome Back


Welcome back everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely summer holiday and feel refreshed and ready to go.

To start off our topic this term, we are going to be exploring Britain under the rule of the Romans. We are going to be finding out why their armies were so successful. We will also be looking for evidence of some of the the things we still have today that the Romans brought with them. To help us with our learning we will be going on a trip to Colchester Castle where we will find some evidence of the Romans living in Colchester nearly 2000 years ago. 

Our class book that we will be sharing together is 'I was there ... Boudica's army'. We will be reading the book together, talking about it and answering questions. Along with this, everyone will be taking part in the 40 book challenge. This is a challenge to read 40 school reading books throughout the school year. That is about 1 book a week. There are rewards to collect as you progress towards your goal of 40 books. Remember to record your reading at home in your home/school book.

Look at your learning conversation to remind you to tell your parents about what you did at school. Get them to sign your learning conversation to show me that you have shared your learning.

Each week we will be having two P.E. sessions, Monday and Tuesday. Please make sure you have full P.E. kit. This is plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms, your house colour t-shirt with the school logo and plain, dark-coloured trainers. When the weather gets colder you might want to wear a school jumper or school hoody. All children with long hair must have it tied up and earrings must be removed or covered over with tape.

Homework will include reading, spellings - and for year 4 - learning your times tables. Of course if year 3 would like to get ahead then that would be great.

Don't forget to check out the term's overview to see what's coming up.

Lots of fun this term, but it is important to remember to work hard and always do your best.

Mrs. Giddings

Work for school closure day Friday 23rd May 2024


Maths - year 3 to complete work on fractions

           - year 4 to complete work on decimals


Literacy - everyone to complete the reading comprehension about dictionary and thesaurus

                try to do as many sections as possible.


Hope you all have a lovely half term break

Hello everyone and welcome back for the Summer Term. Congratulations! we are through to the semi-finals of the Suffolk Farming School of the Year Competition. We will be heading off to Ipswich to take part in different workshops, sharing our learning and aiming for a place in the final. 

Our topic this term is rivers and mountains and with our river right on the doorstep we'll be heading out to take a look to see if we can identify some of the features.

We'll be going to the cinema later in the term to watch our very own film that we are making! so keep a look out for the photos.

Our class book this term is Journey to the Last River - as we read we will follow the adventurer down the Amazon River looking for a secret, keeping our own journal of an imagined river trip of our own. Writing chapters and illustrating as we go.

Year 4 will be taking part in the Times Tables Check and I'm sure they will prove to be stars! We've got lots to look forward to and hopefully we can enjoy some long awaited sunshine too.

Spring Term Overview

2nd November 2023 - School closed today - Online learning

Hi Everyone - well this is exciting! 

Here is some work for you to do at home so that we don't miss out on our exciting learning. There is some work on adverbs, looking at the different types of adverbs. This will be very useful for us to know as we progress through our writing unit. There are two maths tasks - one for year 3 and one for year 4 - make sure you do the right one! Lots of practise for addition and subtraction to make sure we are all confident with this. If you want to use a place value grid to help you, you could use lego bricks or dried pasta inside of counters - they work just as well. Finally there is some research to do to get ahead with our topic work. Enjoy your day and looking forward to seeing your work on Friday.

Mrs. Giddings


Each week children are given spellings to learn. They take them home in a little purple book for practising each day. One of the ways we can learn spellings is through Look/Cover/Write/Check.

Below is how this works:

Look, say, cover, write, check is a method of learning spelling, where children:

  1. Study a word.
  2. Say it aloud a few times.
  3. Cover it up with a piece of paper or their hand.
  4. Write the spelling next to the original word.
  5. Check their version to see if they got it right.

It can really help with learning spellings. 

Autumn Term 2023


Welcome back everyone!

Hope you all had a lovely summer holiday and feel refreshed and ready to go.

To start off our topic this term, we are going to be archeologists and have a go at digging for artefacts.  We are going to be using some of these to help us find out all about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and then on to the Iron Age in our topic. We will be finding out about this period of prehistory, looking at their homes, life-styles and beliefs. In art, we will be exploring cave paintings and having a go at making our own.

Our class book that we will be sharing together is 'The Ice Monster' by David Walliams. We will be reading the book together, talking about it and answering questions. Along with this, everyone will be taking part in the 40 book challenge. This is a challenge to read 40 school reading books throughout the school year. That is about 1 book a week. There are rewards to collect as you progress towards your goal of 40 books. Remember to record your reading at home in your home/school book. Look at your learning conversation to remind you to tell your parents about what you did at school. Get them to sign your learning conversation to show me that you have shared your learning.

Each week we will be having two P.E. sessions, Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure you have full P.E. kit. This is plain black shorts or tracksuit bottoms, your house colour t-shirt with the school logo and plain, dark-coloured trainers. When the weather gets colder you might want to wear a school jumper or school hoody. All children with long hair must have it tied up and earrings must be removed or covered over with tape.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned to school by Wednesday of the following week. Try to have a look at the task over the weekend so that if you are not sure and need some help, you can come into school and ask me on Monday to go through it with you. Homework will also include spellings for you to learn throughout the week for a test on the following Monday. 

Don't forget to check out the term's overview to see what's coming up.

Lots of fun this term, but it is important to remember to work hard and always do your best.

Mrs. Giddings


Summer Term 2023

Hi Everyone


Hope you had a lovely Easter and didn't eat too much chocolate!

This term we are going to be super fun. Our topic is all about the history of clothing. We will be exploring what people wore at various times throughout history and why fashions changed as time went on. We are going to be making a film to be shown at Aldeburgh cinema all about the history of swimwear and what people wore when they came to the beach. There will be lots of experimenting with different textile techniques like batik and tie-dye. We will even be putting on a fashion show!

We have a trip booked to take part in a large ensemble of other schools all playing their musical instruments in a performance together - so practising our playing is going to be very important this term. Lots going on and lots to look forward to.

Happy New Year for 2023!!

Our spring term has got off to a great start with us learning all about the beginning of the city of Rome. We have read about Romulus and Remus and how Romulus came to build the first city of the Roman Empire. 

To help us discover more about the Romans and their influences here in Britain, we are heading off to Colchester Castle for some first hand experience of the remains they left behind.

This term we will be learning to swim! Each week we will be visiting our local leisure center to learn to swim or improve our swimming skills further. 

Lots of other things to look forward to as well.


Hi Everyone and welcome back to school!

This term we have lots of fun and exciting things to do. Our Topic is all about Tudor explorers and their discoveries, and the early settlers to America. We will be finding out about life during this time, the people who bravely travelled in their small ships to explore the world, and the struggles the new settlers in America had to face. We will be taking part in the BrittenPears Foundation Big Sing event at Snape Maltings, along with other Suffolk schools. This year everyone will be learning to play the clarinet. I'm really excited about all the wonderful learning that we are going to be doing and I hope you are too.
