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Aldeburgh Primary School

Owls (Year 5 and Year 6)

Spring Term 2025 in Owl's Class

Happy New Year! Welcome back to school for the Spring term.


Our topic this term is about Polar Explorers, and we will be following the book of ‘Shackleton’s Journey’, by William Grill. Our class book is ‘The Storm Keeper’s Island’ by Catherine Doyle.


This term, P.E. lessons will be on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings, so please come to school in your P.E. kit, and you will remain in this all day, so you don't need to bring your school uniform to change into.



On the curriculum overview, you can see what we will be learning about this term. At the beginning of the term, you will receive a homework grid, with options of different activities to choose from. This homework needs to be returned to school as you complete each piece.

You will continue to have spellings to learn each week, ready for a spelling test on the following Monday. Remember to practise your tables frequently, as you have a log-in to the times-tables website.

Please share your Learning conversation with your parents, and ask them to sign to show that they have seen it. It is also really important to read regularly, so remember to take your reading book to share it with the adults at home.


We have a great term ahead, with some interesting learning and an opportunity to work hard and do your best.


Our learning conversations are glued into Reading log books, at the beginning of every week, but here is an example of one:
