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Aldeburgh Primary School

Letters sent home from school

Please visit the Trip page for Trip information for each class.

Uniform Letter - 2024

Owls Swimming - September '24

Year 6 Leavers Photo

Year 4 Walking Home Letter

Year 6 Sex and Relationship Lesson Material

Year 6 Leaver Hoodies

New School Uniform 2024

Year 6 Sailing 2024

Year 5 Sailing 2024

Letter to Hedgehogs Class - Mrs Clements

TEKKEN 8 Guidance

Christmas at Aldeburgh Primary School 2023

Swimming - Foxes Class

Otters - Vets Trip

Dear Parents,


Due to the current weather conditions we have made the decision to close the school today (Thursday 2nd November 2023). Whilst it is predicted that the storm will improve later the current high winds on the back of the recent flooding are a concern. Online learning will be provided later in the day via seesaw in Otter class and on class pages for the other classes.


We expect to be back to full opening tomorrow (Friday 3rd November 2023).


Kind regards

Mrs H Norman

Barnardo's PATHS Privacy Statement 2023

EAST & Avocet Academy Communication

Harvest Festival

Tea and Chat Fridays

Yr6 Crucial Crew Workshop 2023

Yr5/6 Hilltop Letter 2023

Out of This World - Special Menu for Thursday 5 October
