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Aldeburgh Primary School


At Aldeburgh Primary School all our learners experience a maths curriculum that is based on the shared belief that Maths should start as concrete, visual learning and only becomes abstract once the child has a solid understanding of the concept being taught. Every year group has key end of year expectations based on the statements from the National Curriculum for Mathematics which teachers share with pupils and parents to ensure that pupils get the maximum support possible as well as being able to take ownership of their own progress.

Continuously increasing pupils knowledge of mathematical operations, formulae and rules are seen as key factors in learning mathematics at this school and equally important is the application of this knowledge in solving real-life scenarios to boost pupil's motivation and understanding of the importance of maths in our daily lives. We aim to ensure that our children are confident mathematicians who can reason, apply their knowledge and persevere in maths challenges to reach the solution.

Please see the White Rose Maths Calculation Policy and Guidance on this page for more information about how we teach maths and expectations.

A 'Progression' document has also been added which will outline your child's progression in all the areas of mathematics through years 1 - 6.


Much emphasis is now also placed on using formal written methods for the four operators. Examples are also below.

Aldeburgh Primary School uses Power Maths resources to deliver the Maths Curriculum. The Calculation Policies for each Year Group are below; if you have any questions please don't hesitate to talk with the Class Teacher or Maths Subject Lead.

KS1 Calculation Policy APS Year 1

LKS2 Calculation Policy APS Year 3 Add and Subtract

Power Maths LKS2 Calculation Policy APS Year 3 Multiply and Divide

LKS2 Calculation Policy APS Year 4

UKS2 Calculation Policy APS Year 5

Power Maths UKS2 Calculation Policy APS Year 6

Mathematics Appendix Formal Written Methods

White Rose Calculation policy

M Tidd Progression Mathematics

White Rose Calculation policy guidance
