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Aldeburgh Primary School

Uniform Information


We are excited to be revealing our new School Logo soon, so please refrain from buying any new uniform until the new design has been released. A letter has been sent home  with more information about our new school logo and uniform. Our current uniform with the Avocet logo on is still acceptable to wear.


Our School Uniform Policy can be found HERE

School Uniform


We encourage the wearing of school uniform as this supports the children in coming to school 'Ready to learn' and we would appreciate your help in maintaining our standards. Below is our current uniform list:


Boys: Black or dark grey trousers/tailored shorts, white polo shirt or white shirt, blue school jumper with Avocet Logo and Aldeburgh Ship (as above), black shoes, black, grey or white socks.
Girls: Black or dark grey knee length skirt/blue and white chequered summer dress/black or dark grey tailored shorts, white polo shirt or white blouse, blue school jumper or cardigan with Avocet Logo and Aldeburgh Ship, black shoes, black, grey or white socks/tights.
PE: School House Team coloured t-shirt, black or blue shorts/track suit, black plimsolls, trainers for outdoor PE.

PE kits should be at school every day and kept in a clearly named bag on your child’s peg. We ask you to please discourage bulky sports bags as we do not have room for them in the cloakroom areas.

Swimming costumes are needed for children in the Spring term. You will be advised which children are swimming by Newsletter. They will also need towels and a labelled swim bag. All children are expected to wear a swimming cap.




Preloved second-hand uniform is available for purchase from the school office. 
