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Aldeburgh Primary School

Curriculum Enrichment and Activity Passports

At Aldeburgh we think all children deserve a well-rounded, culturally rich, education. We feel that opportunities to enrich the curriculum help develop children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural capacity which in turn will help them to achieve in education and to grow personally.


Please select an Activity Passport for your child's year to see some of the additional activities we think children should complete each year either at home or in school.


The passports are displayed in the classrooms.


Other than the Activity Passports we ensure children receive a variety of activities/opportunities each year which fall under the following headings:

Class-based learning

Community Links

Careers and Opportunities - raising aspirations

Personal Development

Cultural Awareness

APS - Year R Enrichment Programme

APS - Year 1 Enrichment Programme

APS - Year 2 Enrichment Programme

APS - Year 3 Enrichment Programme

APS - Year 4 Enrichment Programme

APS - Year 5 Enrichment Programme

APS - Year 6 Enrichment Programme
