At Aldeburgh we share our parents' ambitions for the education and well-being of their children and can confidently say that the school has a happy, caring and purposeful atmosphere. You will notice that education at Aldeburgh Primary School is more than the core curriculum. Whilst we strive for high academic standards, we are also totally committed to developing the creative, physical, emotional and social aspects of all our children's lives.
On this site we can provide only a brief picture of the range of activities, resources and opportunities we make available to our children. We can tell you about the curriculum, our aims, activities and successes, but we cannot convey our ethos or atmosphere. The best way to make an informed decision is to visit, preferably during the school day.
We are a community school. Our learning environment is created and fostered by strong relationships between staff, parents, governors, children and the wider community of Aldeburgh. We believe parents are the main educators of their children and we welcome the opportunity to join with you to develop bright, ambitious, confident, energetic and inquisitive children.
We hope you are encouraged to visit us and judge for yourself.
From all the staff at Aldeburgh Primary School