Latest News
Please find below Aldeburgh primary Schools Latest news, you can also check out what's been happening but looking at our latest Newsletters.
Open Day
Thu 21 Nov 2024Aldeburgh Primary School would like to welcome anyone who would like to attend the school to an Opening evening on Thursday 21st November., from 4.30pm. Come along and have a tour of the school, meet the teachers and see what your child could achieve at Aldeburgh Primary School.
PATHS Online Parent Sessions
Wed 20 Nov 2024Would you like to know more about the school’s approach to helping your child understand and talk about their feelings?
Would you like to learn new language and strategies to support your child to manage their feelings and behaviours and begin to problem solve them independently?Then join the PATHS online parent sessions on Wednesday 20th November - see the poster for more details.
Breakfast Club
Wed 04 Sep 2024Breakfast Club - Weekdays from 8am
Be sure to book via ParentPay